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Link Free Clone

himanshu1221's github profile

It's a linkfree clone for beginners where you can add your customisations

Razorpay Clone

Jranii's github profile

It is a cloned frontend design of original Razorpay payment gateway.

Video Call Web App

PatilHarshh's github profile

This is the Video Calling Application made using WebRTC, Features of the site is secure peer to peer connection with Secure code Generation

Magic Quadrant

ozanbatuhankurucu's github profile

Magic Quadrant is a scatter chart develop by Gartner to visualize major players in a specific market.


SurajPratap10's github profile

TrailBlaze is an all-in-one movie and TV show Trailers viewing app.


ManishBisht777's github profile

A web app with nextjs 13 to provide crisp content on various topics and resources as well to learn them in depth.


sumitkr2000's github profile

This project is based on EditorJS. A user can edit text on the go and save it in the database. The user gets a wide variety of options to edit and save documents.

Motivational Quote

prachisingh1008's github profile

It displays a new page with a visually engaging background image of nature and displaying motivational quotes. This helps to create a more pleasant and inspiring environment for users when they open a new tab.


Uzumaki4303's github profile

A web project that replicates the UI design of the Kali Linux home screen and terminal. The webpage is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and is hosted on GitHub Pages.

Weather App

coderhersh's github profile

Weather web app made with reactjs JS and tailwindcss which fetches API from OpenWeatherMap based on the location entered in the search box.